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Range: North Regional Training Center, W Russ Dr, Wasilla, AK 99654


There will be a $50 range fee per student payable on day one.


Building upon the “Practice with Purpose” curriculum, Train for Mastery is an extended class, designed to teach you how to practice effectively, and train towards a high-level shooting goal. In addition to all topics covered in the 1-day “Practice with Purpose” class, students will also learn about advanced movement and exercises, building their own effective drills from match data, more in-depth analysis of their practice logs, and advanced drill and exercise breakdown techniques. Fast-paced and very intensive, students should come prepared to take lots of notes, and watch their practice routines change drastically and – hopefully – for the better.


Topics Covered

1.     Safety

2.     Fundamentals of performance shooting

3.     Setting and using metrics

4.     Effective Shot Calling

5.     Performance Tracking

6.     Validating your practice

7.     Dry fire/live fire integration

8.     Advanced movement/exercises

9.     Building your own drills

10.  In-depth practice log analysis

11.  Stage breakdowns

12.  Building practice strategies from stages

13. Creating and maintaining an effective practice journal


Required Equipment

Notebook, writing utensil

Reliable handgun

At least 3 magazines/speed loaders (more for lo-cap)

Quality holster, fitted to your firearm

At least 2 mag/speed loader pouches

600 rds reliable ammunition

A belt suitable to carry your handgun and ammunition

Eye protection (ANSI rated)

Hearing Protection


This is a collaborative class between Tim Herron and A.J. Zito, built entirely around one concept:

Showing you how to practice.

Train for Mastery with Tim Herron and A.J. Zito / 22-23 May 2025 / Wasilla, AK

Excluding Sales Tax
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